Tag: athlete
Addressing 5 Common Causes of Leg and Muscle Cramps
Leg Cramps, we’ve all experienced them. It could be a minor discomfort or pain so bad that it takes your right off your feet. They can happen late at night while you are sleeping, or after you have had a long run or walk, after not doing any activity at all. You can get these…
How Bad Do You Want It?
Before I go too far, you must understand that my brother and I had never seen nor heard of anything to do with the game of hockey. The only ice we knew of was ice cream, ice cubes, and block of ice the ice man would bring each day to place in the ice box.…
The RICE Method: How This Popular Method Of Treating Injuries Actually Slows Recovery
So why – in the face of expert advice against the practice – do people still turn to ice to treat an injury or swelling? Usually, the goal when using ice is to numb the immediate pain, but this method will only relieve the pain for a moment and will not treat or take away…
Honest Health and Fitness Advice in the Age of “Get-Fit-Quick” Schemes
Here is a pill that some may find hard to swallow: exercise is not supposed to be fun. It’s not supposed to be easy or comfortable. Real results don’t happen overnight. If you put in the work and go down the right path, you will sweat. On occasion, you might puke. You will drop a…
Bodysmith International Online Fitness Programs: No “One Sized Fits All”
These programs are not just another set of home workout videos, instead, they are a collection of expertly crafted programs encompassing workouts, fitness advice, health and nutrition tips and much more to keep you motivated and on track with your goals.
A Space For All: The Women Of Bodysmith International
In this day and age, it is very important for young athletes to know that they have a place to go to train and not be intimidated and I am proud of the community at Bodysmith for creating just that. A space to be empowered and supported; judged for what your body can accomplish instead…
Avoiding Workout Fatigue: Why Boring Workouts are the Best Workouts
A few things are going on but lets start with the most important factor; consistency. To see good results with a training program, you need to be consistent. Of course, maintaining good nutrition and giving your body time to adapt to the training program is important but if you are not consistent in your workouts,…
Is There Really A Hockey Off-season?
In the past few years, I have noticed that the typical off-ice rest period that occurs during the spring and summer off season is being replaced by spring and summer leagues or tournaments, prospect games, and players starting back up skating programs three to four times each week. Essentially, there is a much shorter, or…
What makes a Superfood “Super”: Imposters vs. the MVPs
The term super food has been utilized by food producers for marketing purposes to sell their food as healthy when, in reality, it may not be that “super”, but where did this start?
The Truth About Creatine: Good or Bad?
Creatine, this supplement has become the most researched supplement in the history of sports supplements and deemed as one of the safest to use. I am always getting asked if creatine works, or if it is good for you; doesn’t it just retain water in your body?
Diabetes: A Look Into The Growing Health Epidemic, Part 2
This diet along with my medication did not reverse my diabetes, it only ever managed it, and not very well. My A1C would go from 7.5 to 8 at times. Knowing that type 2 diabetes is high blood sugar, this nutrition would keep me a diabetic for ever.
20/20 Vision: The Benefits of Sports Vision Therapy
Many athletes believe they have perfect vision because they see 20/20. A standard eye exam measures your visual acuity while looking at a stationary chart, however, the concept of vision is much more complex than that.